No questions left with our superfood list - the megatrend is global but also local

Author: Freya Mathiessen
Superfoods have been on everyone's lips for some time: Fitness-fans, Blogger and health-conscious swear by them. But what is it actually, a superfood? What are the advantages and disadvantages of superfoods and what local, sustainable alternatives are there?
What is superfood?
Fruits and vegetables with a particularly high content of vital substances and nutrients - so-called superfoods - are more than in the trend and currently spice up almost every recipe. No wonder, superfoods are said to be antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and good for the immune system. Some of the superfoods Food even help you lose weight. In addition to special fruits and vegetables, seeds and kernels are also among the superfoods. The raw plant is usually dried or processed into powders. Particularly popular for smoothies, muesli or yoghurt topping.
Many superfoods are therefore also called nutritional supplements. Still, the emphasis is on supplementation: Even though superfoods can always complement a meal, they should not exclusively be consumed instead of other basic foods. It's all about the mix.
Advantages and disadvantages of superfood
Advantages of superfood: Superfoods have an extraordinarily high concentration of secondary plant substances, enzymes and individual micronutrients. These are essential for a healthy diet and should therefore not be missing on any menu. Many recipes can also be enriched with superfoods and bring variety to the daily diet. In addition, the superfood trend also affects us and our diet in general, because we deal much more with the individual foods and deal with them more consciously and sustainably.
Disadvantages of superfood: However, it doesn't always have to be the exotic fruits from afar: the transport from distant growing areas to the local supermarket is long. And food that comes from afar is often contaminated with pesticides. Superfoods in tablet or powder form are also very expensive and often do not contain as many good nutrients. Here it is important to check the products and foods carefully in advance and to take a close look at the ingredients.
Superfood list - top 15
- Acai
- Acerola
- Amaranth
- Chia seeds
- Ginseng
- Goji berries
- Pomegranate
- Hemp
- Turmeric
- Cat
- Matcha
- Moringa
- Papaya
- spirulina
- Quinoa
Better alternatives - local superfood list
- flex seeds
- blackcurrant.
- Blueberry
- Aronia berries
- Millet
- Beetroot
- Kale
- Wild rice
- Weinzen and oat bran
- Horseradish
- Parsnip
- Nettle
- Lupine
- Sauerkraut
- Savoy
Exotic seeds and berries such as chia seeds and goji berries are particularly popular. However, there are some cheaper and more sustainable but just as delicious and healthy alternatives on your local market. Flax seeds, for example, have a similar nutrient content to chia seeds and are just as good for digestion. A berry that contains just as many vitamins as the goji berry, is the black currant - both fresh and frozen. Blueberries, blackberries and aronia berries are similar in their nutritional content.
Domestic superfood is also millet, apples, legumes, beetroot and kale. Rich in vitamins and fiber, they refine every recipe or smoothie. Extra tip: Food with a high zinc content has an anti-inflammatory effect and is particularly good for the immune system. Particularly rich in wild rice, wheat or oat bran.
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