A Swedish premium yacht is bringing e-mobility to the sea

X Shore is the name of the Swedish manufacturer of the 100 percent electrically operated electric yacht. The company focuses primarily on aesthetics and sustainability

sustainable yacht, Xshore e-mobility
Source: X Shore

X Shore is the new Swedish manufacturer of full electric operated premium yachts. The company's founder, Konrad Bergström, has set himself the goal of that technically to develop the most advanced and sustainable boat in the world.

Konrad Bergström was previously known as the founder of Sweden's fastest growing audio company, Zound Industries. With us he presents his latest project X Shore: "I've always had a great passion for the sea, it's just in my blood."

The founder of X Shore with a great passion for the seas

Konrad Bergström comes from a traditional fishing family in Sweden. But the change of the seas, that plastic and the lower diversity of marine life made him want to change the boat industry.

He has been working on the X Shore project since 1996. “I had to wait more than 20 years for the electrical movement to kick in before I could design the boat. When developing the boat, my main goal was to combine design, technology and sustainability. In 2018 my dream came true when X Shore launched the "Smögen 8000". "

X Shore

Source: X shore

The premium yacht should combine technology, design and sustainability

The design of the boat is inspired by the South American electric eel. The bow of the boat, similar to an eel head, is slightly elevated and naturally has a safety function. The premium design is also characterized by a blanket of renewable and maritime cork and characteristic saddle leather chairs.

X Shore

Source: X Shore

"The bronze Aalass is the emblem of the boat, which over time turns green when touched by salt water and is designed to hold on to the owner's various journeys, giving each boat a unique history - ornamentation: the power of silence."

With new technology, intelligent design and sustainable materials, X Shore builds on the long tradition of maritime craftsmanship. The main innovation of the vehicles is reflected in the performance:

It reaches 40 nodes at top speed, with a maximum range of 100 nautical miles. To achieve this, a unique water cooling system has been developed to keep the performance of the batteries permanently at the highest level. More than 20.000 hours of research work have gone into development.


Source: X Shore

"We are now in a phase where conversion to electric motors has become indispensable. Many efforts have been made to promote sustainable rural mobility, but very little has happened for water mobility. "

The uniqueness of the boat is that it is environmentally friendly, quiet and CO2-free. "It is a unique experience to be on an X Shore boat: Imagine sailing without wind and becoming one with nature. That is the power of silence."


The future of electromobility on the water

E-boats are basically not an absolute novelty on the market. But new drive solutions make electric drives more effective and powerful. This will, similar to the Electric Cars, reached a greater range. In some cases even the battery technologies of automobiles are used directly. New e-yachts, such as X Shore, are thus a direct competitor to traditionally operated boats.

The obstacles of electric mobility in the countryside, of course, raise the same questions about water. Thus, the sustainable development and possible cost reduction of battery technology will also determine the speed of the electric boat industry. The price of the current X Shore model "Eelex 8000", a six and a half to eight meter long prestige electric yacht, is almost 300.000 Euro.

Konrad Bergström's vision is: "To become the boat of the people and in five years to be able to market design boats that are available for less than 100.000 euros".


Always informed about the latest lifestyle trends, architecture, design & interior, as well as current technologies around sustainability.

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