Mobility of the future - these are the four megatrends

Mobility plays a central role in our society. Four innovative concepts meet today's challenges and point the way to future mobility

Mobility of the future, Tesla
Tesla Model 3

Since the invention of the Automobiles our society has changed a lot. Mobility has become normal and necessary. Because flexible work and the desire for an independent life have made individual mobility indispensable. Now we are experiencing a new change. The Mobility The future must face problems such as congested roads and climate change put. It is already clear where this rapid development is going.

Smart instead of status: the change to a mobility of the future

According to the ADAC study "The Evolution of Mobility" Germans cover a total of around 1,2 trillion passenger kilometers every year. By increasing Globalisation and the trend towards a flexible way of life, this number will continue to increase. But the way we get around will change dramatically. The mobility of the future needs a wide range of options and smart concepts.

Even today there are many people who correspond to the mobility type of the so-called "mobile innovator". Their lifestyle is characterized by an "as well as" attitude: they want to be modern and flexible. But they also want to live up to environmental and resource conservation. Already today they use alternatives to the car, eg bicycles, public transport and sharing offers.

Mobile Innovators want to live environmentally friendly and yet do without anything. Thus, they are pioneers and show what future-proof mobility can look like today.

The mobility of the future will not make the car redundant. Rather, there will be a change here. The car will no longer be a status symbol, but a means to an end. It will be an important part of new concepts. These will be according to the McKinsey Center for Future Mobility characterized above all by four mobility trends:

Mobility of the Future - 4 Megatrends

The industry today faces completely new challenges. Research and development work intensively on new technologies. Four strong trends dominate the market and development, according to McKinsey:

  1. Autonomous driving
  2. Shared mobility
  3. connectivity
  4. electric mobility

1. Autonomous driving

There will be strong growth in this area. For today only 1% of vehicles sold have wizards who could implement parts of autonomous driving. Even 2025 should be up to 80%. In particular, they will play an important role in public transport and, according to experts, drastically reduce the accident rate. There are also test projects for fully autonomous vehicles:

The Robotaxi service "Waymo One" by Google, for example, but also large car companies such as BMW and Mercedes are working on the further development of such technologies. The "Apple Car" is officially not confirmed, but so Apple has recently taken over the US startup The company develops retrofit solutions that could turn popular cars into self-driving vehicles.

2. Shared mobility

Especially local and regional, there are already many offers Shared mobility, 2017 has invested around 32 billion dollars in appropriate start-ups. Again, great growth is predicted. For where today only 1% of the driven kilometers is covered by means of sharing offers, one expects an increase to around 80%.

This goes in particular with the trend away from the car as a status symbol, towards the commercial vehicle and can protect the environment and possibly also save costs.


3. connectivity

In an increasingly networked society, the car will also be equipped with more connectivity in the future. Because even today you can see that this aspect is becoming more and more important as part of the purchase decision. Connectivity is a prerequisite for many practical and comfortable functions for the driver, such as the personal voice assistant or the navigation system.

Vehicles can also get through connectivity Communicate with each other in the future and recognize systems in the public infrastructure, such as traffic lights. Connectivity therefore goes hand in hand with the development of autonomous driving.

4. electromobility

Today, the proportion of electrically driven vehicles is only around 5% globally. Until 2021, car manufacturers in 50 want to incorporate such alternative drives in% of the new models. With the introduction of regional driving bans in major European cities, there is a strengthening of the market for electric mobility to be considered secure in the near future.

Whether hybrid drives or fully electric, there will not only be more choice Electric vehicles but they will probably also be produced on a larger scale. In addition, the expansion of the infrastructure for charging stations is currently the focus of government subsidies.

Mobility as an engine of innovation

We can not exist without individual mobility. But in the face of crowded cities and progressive climate change, implementing a sustainable mobility concept is very important. It thereby becomes the engine for innovation and technology. For an environmentally friendly, smart and sustainable mobility of the future.


Always informed about the latest lifestyle trends, architecture, design & interior, as well as current technologies around sustainability.

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