100 years of Bauhaus and the nationwide expedition

In the almost 14 years of its existence, the Bauhaus revolutionized creative and artistic thinking. The big anniversary will be celebrated nationwide in 2019

Bauhaus 100th anniversary
Source: Bauhaus 100

The big Bauhaus anniversary will be celebrated in 2019 in the best Bauhaus tradition: experimental, multifaceted, transnational and radically contemporary

The Berliner architect Walter Gropius founded the Bauhaus in 1919 as an internationally oriented college for design in Weimar. The core of the design training was experimenting and designing in the Bauhaus workshops, where the separation of work and teaching was an important aspect for the first time.

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Weimar Bauhaus a meeting place for the international art & Avant-garde

For the education of talented students, Professor Walter Gropius had engaged a number of well-known artists: along with Johannes Itten, Lyonel Feininger and Gerhard Marcks, Paul Klee, Oskar Schlemmer, Wassily Kandinsky and László Moholy-Nagy taught at the Bauhaus.

Due to political financing problems, the Bauhaus 1925 left its founding city and moved to the up-and-coming industrial city of Dessau. Here came a new slogan of "Art and Technology - a New Unity" to full effect. From now on it was less about the artistic individual work, but about the design of well-designed everyday products.

On the advice of Gropius, the architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe became the last Bauhaus director. He was all about one thing:

Architecture and its aesthetics - regardless of any art-theoretical or social-political circumlocutions

Winner design Bauhaus Museum Dessau, rendering interior view

For one semester, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe tried to continue the Bauhaus as a private institution in an old telephone factory in Berlin-Steglitz. However, from April 1933 the National Socialists made for the dissolution of the modern artist's place.

The school was put to an end, but not its ideas: many Bauhaus members went into exile and contributed to the spread of the Bauhaus throughout the world in addition to the many returning international students from 29 different countries: be it in the successor institutions such as the New Bauhaus in Chicago or Black Mountain College in the woods of North Carolina, either in the Internationally-built White City in Tel Aviv, or in the New York MomA collection, whose founding director, Alfred H. Barr, was Bauhaus-oriented and classical Photography, design and architecture exhibited.


Everyone is invited to the Germany-wide expedition

Program Highlights:

  • Bauhaus imaginista - Berlin 15.03.2019 - 10.06.2019
  • Bauhaus and America - Münster November 09.11.2018, 10.03.2019 - March XNUMX, XNUMX
  • Reflex Bauhaus - Munich 31.01.2019 - 31.12.2019
  • UMBO - Hanover 09.02.2019 - 12.05.2019

Learn More to the program.


Always informed about the latest lifestyle trends, architecture, design & interior, as well as current technologies around sustainability.

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