The competition for a greener future with sustainable and innovative product ideas

Source and copyright by Green Product Award
Author: House of Eden
On April 14, 2021 this year's winners of the Green Product & Concept Award will be announced. The award takes place during a Digital Awards Ceremony . Over 1000 participants from 51 countries applied for the Green Product & Concept Award 2021. Under the aspects of design, innovation and sustainability, the best 100 products and the best 100 concepts were nominated and judged in 12 categories.
What can we expect? Plasters made from bamboo, tennis balls from the 3D printer, shoes made from apple scraps, tiny houses that generate their own electricity, burgers made from plant fibres, natural cosmetics, ecological cleaning agents, children's rooms that grow with the child and sunglasses made from ocean plastic. Watch the sneak peek of the upcoming digital event in the Teaser video.
Green Trend Book No. 8
At the same time the Green trend bookwill be published in a limited print edition and as an e-book, showing submissions and trends from international experts. Across all categories it becomes clear that the trend is going towards the use of waste materials as a resource to create new products. There are also trends such as modularity or bio-based products with new and innovative use cases.
Source & Copyright by Green Product Award
Who are the nominees?
The nominees of the Green Product Award and Green Concept Award have been selected in 12 categories: Architecture & Tiny Houses, Building Components, Circular Materials, Consumer Goods, Fashion, Handicraft, Interior & Lifestyle, Kids, Kitchen, Mobility, Sport and Workspace. In addition, 60.000 people chose the winner of the Green Product & Concept Audience Award 2021.
Each nominated submission is assessed by two jurors under 5 aspects: overall impression, elaboration, impact, design, innovation and sustainability. In addition, jurors from the fields of science, business and education are taken on board, who are confronted with the topic of sustainability on a daily basis.
Sneature waste-based footwear | © Offenbach am Main University of Design
The Green Product Award
The award was launched by Nils Bader in 2012, aiming to expand the aspects of feedback and networking at awards. It is therefore primarily targeting to appreciate the actors and thought leaders, by providing feedback on the nominated work and ensuring horizontal (cross-industry) and vertical networking of all participants - from large to small companies over to students. The overarching goal is: Better, green products should replace non-sustainable products.
In a conversation with the initiator Nils Bader, we learn about the success factors of a green product or green concept and what it looks like behind the scenes of the award ceremony:
How does the perfect green product / green concept look like?
An ideal green product goes beyond legal regulations and takes more sustainable aspects into account. By radically rethinking the product and its essential functions, it improves the way to meet consumer needs. In doing so, negative environmental impacts are avoided and social aspects are taken into account in terms of production and options to use.
Among other things, the design or concept is characterised by a circular use of materials that does not generate any waste. Thus, the product has a real value add. In terms of aesthetics, it is further characterised by an iconic design. The packaging should also be appropriate in terms of the choice of material, materials usage and post-lifecycle recycling.
Mycelium Products Netherlands | © Grown.Organic
Which factors influence the long-term success of a sustainable product or a sustainable concept?
The team behind the product or concept must actually focus on a specific topic and work through this consistently, in order to find a good solution. Of course, this also includes finding out if there is actually a market for the product and whether they have the network to implement the solution even if demand grows. The communication of the sustainable benefits must also be clear - which, surprisingly, is often not the case. We often receive inquiries about products for which the sustainability aspects often need further explanation.
The Ion Jet Nigeria | © Landmark University Nigeria
The participants benefit from matchmaking and knowledge transfer, how does this work in detail?
First and foremost, the participants receive feedback as a detailed assessments. The matchmaking is taking place between the participants - either directly arranged by us or through communication between the participants themselves. For this we organise lectures, short pitches and small forums. In addition, we present selected submissions to our network partners in order to generate further synergies.
HALO Chair Germany | © Studio Philipp Hainke
Both start-ups and established companies are among the nominees, who is ahead here?
In fact, start-ups are often faster on their way to the market because they can or must focus on a single topic. On the other hand, established companies have other research options and, among other things, enabling them to come up with specialist B2B solutions, which can generate an extremely high impact in public.
Given the lockdown, what can we expect from the awards ceremony?
It will be completely different, unfortunately purely digital, but beautiful. Each category is introduced by innovation impulses from international experts and both the award winners and their solutions and concepts are made visually tangible. Another summit is planned for later in the year to provide more opportunities for networking, present special projects and give more insight into current trends and developments.
Here to register for the Digital Award Ceremony 2021.
Always informed about the latest lifestyle trends, architecture, design & interior, as well as current technologies around sustainability.
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