Top Food Trends 2024 – The culinary world of tomorrow

Food Trends 2024: The food industry will change with the upcoming trends experience

Food trends 2024 cover
Source & Copyright by Zukunftsinstitut

Author: Hanni Rützler

The food culture is changing and this has far-reaching effects on the food industry as well as related industries, politics and society. The drivers of change are diverse, because eating is emotional; changes in the ethical and ecological values ​​of consumers as well as their taste requirements are manifested in food.

The Food Trends 2024 reflect this change and initially grow in niches before gradually changing the food system with the innovations they initiate. The Future Institute publishes the Food Report 2024 and examines the food culture in the future from various perspectives. Author and food trend researcher Hanni Rützer focuses on possible solutions to the challenges of the food and beverage industry.

Food trends 2024 under the banner of plant-based, new work, green taste

Vegan, vegetarian, flexitarian – a plant-based diet is on the rise. Meat has lost its pole position on the plate, primarily for ethical and ecological reasons. The industry is responding to this with numerous substitute products that now convincingly imitate the taste of meat. Gastronomic concepts rely on creative plant-based menus, and a rethink is also beginning in agriculture.

The megatrend “New Work” is changing not only the working culture, but also the eating culture. Flexible models in terms of working hours and location turn proven eating habits on their head. Snacking has long been on everyone's lips, but so has cooking itself - quick and uncomplicated - is experiencing a renaissance. Everyday working life structures eating habits, which also results in new demands on company catering.

There is agreement that a change in food production is necessary in order to solve the pressing problems of the food system and achieve climate goals. New technologies such as in-vitro, new genetic engineering or precision fermentation promise innovative solutions that can be used to produce new foods beyond traditional agricultural production. However, the prerequisite for this is growing social acceptance.

Food Trends 2024

Source & Copyright by Zukunftsinstitut

Food trends 2024 that companies should pay attention to

Food trends are not static phenomena, they are in a permanent development. They become stronger or more precise, stagnate or become weaker. They differentiate themselves, merge to form new trends or develop a completely new dynamic. This year's update analyzes which trends are currently particularly influenced by these developments.

1. Plant-based Food, Vegourmets, Carneficionados and Real Omnivores

Plant-based food has managed to establish itself as an important trend. At the same time, this creates counter-trends as a reaction to the success: the emergence of new meat qualities, the targeted selection and the conscious enjoyment of meat are condensing into a new food trend “Carneficionados”.

2. Local, glocal, brutal and exotic

“Regional beats organic” is one of the striking slogans of the recent past. The regionalization of food has already experienced a sharpening and differentiation over many years - from a “brutally local” orientation of avant-garde gastronomy to the breeding or local cultivation of exotic animals and plants.

3. Food Trend Female Connoisseurs

The change makers in the food industry are increasingly female. They place social and ecological criteria at the center of their work more often and more clearly than men and also change the corporate culture. Women are taking the lead in organic food and are also shaking up the catering industry.

4. Re-use food, zero waste and circular food

Despite numerous initiatives and commitments, food waste is still a major issue. The trend towards “circular food” offers a new approach: It is no longer just about reducing or avoiding waste, but about a completely new look at food.

5. Food Trend 2024 Regenerative Food

The focus of this trend is no longer the question of what we have on our plates, but rather how we produce food. “Regenerative Food” focuses on arable land as a crucial key to a healthy ecosystem.

Main topic: The future of organic

Back to basics or forward with new technologies? For decades, organic has led the debate when it comes to food quality. This made the movement a significant innovator in the entire food sector. "Organic" has written a success story from a niche and has arrived at the center of society. Conventional products have come closer and closer to organic criteria. But now organic seems to be reaching its limits: a taboo needs to be broken that combines technological innovations and ecological production.

Source: Future institution from the 2024 trend study


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Food report

About the author: Hanni Rützler

Hanni Rützler is one of the most renowned and influential food experts in Europe. The qualified nutritionist has been working as an author and speaker for the Zukunftsinstitut in Frankfurt and Vienna since 2004. As a pioneer in nutritional science, consultant and researcher with multidisciplinary access to questions of eating and drinking behavior, Hanni Rützler has made a name for herself well beyond the German-speaking area, not just since her legendary tasting of the first in-vitro burger.

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