Morning rituals for more success in everyday life

Increased productivity, inner peace and clear structures accompany people with regular morning rituals through a successful working day

Tomorrow's rituals lead to more success in life
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What do successful people like Oprah Winfrey and Steve Jobs have in common? They follow healthy morning rituals that set the tone for the entire day. The morning is the best time to clear your head for the day's program, nourish your body and also become clear about the most important tasks.

Morning rituals: The best tips

Anyone who takes time for regular morning rituals can significantly improve their performance. Here are the best tips for energizing morning rituals.

1. Start the day early:

The time at which the alarm clock goes off has an impact on how a day goes. Anyone who goes to bed early in the evening and then gets up early in the morning gets used to a day-night rhythm that is very beneficial to their health. The basic requirement for performance during the day is of course sufficient good sleep.

2. Drink lots of water:

A large glass of water with ginger and lemon helps to purify and also get the circulation going. The MindUnleashed recommends 640 ml of water in the first few hours after getting up. This helps against dehydration and gives the body a real energy boost.

3. Do sports:

Morning activities as morning rituals act like a primer. Even a short workout of 5-10 minutes strengthens the nervous system, stimulates blood circulation and supplies the body and brain with additional oxygen. This effect also has a positive effect on the mind 4-10 hours later. A study from Appalachian State University shows that a morning Sports routine lowers blood pressure and reduces stress.

Morning rituals sports

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4. Practice meditation and mindfulness:

Pause. Meditation helps to center and refocus. Meditation also stimulates creativity, supports memory and reduces stress. Especially before crucial dates, it helps to reduce any fears and thus tackle difficult tasks without fear and with motivation.

5. Enjoy a balanced breakfast:

A healthy breakfast provides energy throughout the day. The body needs food within an hour of getting up. A good start to the day includes fiber, vitamin D and calcium as well as omega 3 fats. This combination important nutrients keeps blood sugar levels and energy levels at a consistent level.

Morning ritual breakfast

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6. Keep a diary and structure tasks:

Morning is the time for reflection. If you keep a diary and record your thoughts and feelings in writing, you will understand them better. The University of Rochester Medical Center states that keeping a journal helps identify individual causes of stress and anxiety. In addition, once the stress factors have been identified, you are one step closer to solving the problem, which in turn also helps reduce stress.

Morning rituals as the basis for a successful life

Morning rituals have a positive effect on our physical, mental and emotional well-being. They provide stability and structure in everyday life, reduce stress and increase productivity and self-confidence. Only those who pay enough attention to themselves in everyday life can become sustainably successful.


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